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FPSTATUS() fills an array with the status of a fax event. You must provide
the event ID to search for.

     FPSTATUS( <nEventID>, <aInfo> ) --> nResult


     <nEventID>  This is the "event id" returned by FPSUBMIT

     <aInfo>     An EMPTY array which will be filled with information
                 about the requested fax (if found). See below for the
                 information returned.


     0 if event not found
     1 if event found
     or negative error

Data Array Elements

    If FPSTATUS returns a 1 (event found), then the array you provide
    will contain the following elements:

    aInfo[1]   TYPE      0 = Send
                         1 = Receive
                         2 = Polled send
                         3 = Polled receive

    aInfo[2]   MODE      0 = Fax fine resolution
                         1 = Fax standard resolution
                         2 = File transfer mode

    aInfo[3]   STATUS    0 = Complete
                         1 = Waiting
                         5 = cancelled
                         or negative error code

    aInfo[4]    TIME     time to be sent (or time sent) as HH:MM CHARACTER

    aInfo[5]    DATE     date to be sent (or date sent) as MM/DD/YY CHARACTER

    aInfo[6]    DURATION length of transmission as HH:MM:SS CHARACTER

    aInfo[7]    ERRORS   number of transmission errors

    aInfo[8]    REMOTEID ID text string provided by remote fax machine. This
                         text may be used as a receipt verification since
                         this text was programmed into the remote fax machine
                         by the person who set up the machine.

    aInfo[9]    TAGFIELD user-defined field

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